const zoom = 0; var tourtype = "matterport"; var labelshowing = 0; var IntersectCount = 0; var zoomCache = 1; var sharevideo = 2; window.signalling = 0; window.moving = 0; var clickedlabel = ""; var haveControl = 0; var widthcheck = 0; var oldtag = 0; window.el = 0; var panorama; var activeFrame = 2; var pointing = 0; var orientationCount = 0; const tagcallback = (tag) => { if (haveControl == 1) { messagedata = { tag: tag }; sendMessage(messagedata); } } let events = [ "ready", "startmove", "moving", "endmove", "look", "roomviewpointchanged", "labelclicked", "modelviewdoubleclick", "modelviewclick", "modelviewcamerachange", "switchview", "floorplanpanoclick", "floorplanroomclick", "floorplanchangefloorclick", "floorplanzoom", "floorplandrag" ]; // room2 name needs to be prefixed with 'observable-' function onSuccess() {} function onError(error) { console.error(error); } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { function initComparisons() { var x, i; /* Find all elements with an "overlay" class: */ x = document.getElementsByClassName("img-comp-overlay"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { /* Once for each "overlay" element: pass the "overlay" element as a parameter when executing the compareImages function: */ compareImages(x[i]); } function compareImages(img) { var slider, img, clicked = 0, w, h; /* Get the width and height of the img element */ w = img.offsetWidth; h = img.offsetHeight; /* Set the width of the img element to 50%: */ = (w / 2) + "px"; /* Create slider: */ slider = document.createElement("DIV"); slider.setAttribute("id", "myslider"); slider.setAttribute("class", "img-comp-slider"); slider.innerHTML = ""; /* Insert slider */ img.parentElement.insertBefore(slider, img); /* Position the slider in the middle: */ = (h / 2) - (slider.offsetHeight / 2) + "px"; = (w / 2) - (slider.offsetWidth / 2) + "px"; /* Execute a function when the mouse button is pressed: */ slider.addEventListener("mousedown", slideReady); /* And another function when the mouse button is released: */ window.addEventListener("mouseup", slideFinish); /* Or touched (for touch screens: */ slider.addEventListener("touchstart", slideReady); /* And released (for touch screens: */ window.addEventListener("touchend", slideFinish); function slideReady(e) { /* Prevent any other actions that may occur when moving over the image: */ e.preventDefault(); /* The slider is now clicked and ready to move: */ clicked = 1; /* Execute a function when the slider is moved: */ window.addEventListener("mousemove", slideMove); window.addEventListener("touchmove", slideMove); } function slideFinish() { /* The slider is no longer clicked: */ clicked = 0; } function slideMove(e) { var pos; /* If the slider is no longer clicked, exit this function: */ if (clicked == 0) return false; /* Get the cursor's x position: */ pos = getCursorPos(e) /* Prevent the slider from being positioned outside the image: */ if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > w) pos = w; /* Execute a function that will resize the overlay image according to the cursor: */ slide(pos); } function getCursorPos(e) { console.log(e); var a, x = 0; e = e || window.event; if (e.touches) { e = e.touches[0] } /* Get the x positions of the image: */ a = img.getBoundingClientRect(); /* Calculate the cursor's x coordinate, relative to the image: */ x = e.pageX - a.left; /* Consider any page scrolling: */ x = x - window.pageXOffset; return x; } function slide(x) { /* Resize the image: */ = x + "px"; /* Position the slider: */ = img.offsetWidth - (slider.offsetWidth/2) + "px"; } } } initComparisons(); var iframe = document.getElementById("showcase_iframe11"); var iframe2 = document.getElementById("showcase_iframe22"); //var clickIframe = window.setInterval(checkFocus, 200); var i = 0; //function checkFocus() { // if(document.activeElement == iframe) { // activeFrame = 1; // console.log("1"); //window.focus(); // } // if(document.activeElement == iframe2) { // activeFrame = 2; // console.log("2"); //window.focus(); // } //} $(".changeStagev3").on('click', function() { if ($('#showcase_iframe22').hasClass("showing")) { $('#showcase_iframe11').addClass('showing').removeClass('collapsed'); $('#showcase_iframe22').addClass('collapsed').removeClass('showing'); $(".changeStagev3").html("SHOW UNSTAGED"); activeFrame = 1; } else { $('#showcase_iframe22').addClass('showing').removeClass('collapsed'); $('#showcase_iframe11').addClass('collapsed').removeClass('showing'); $(".changeStagev3").html("SHOW STAGED"); activeFrame = 2; } }); showcaseLoader(); var load2 = setTimeout(function () { showcaseLoader2(); }, 3000); function showcaseLoader() { try { var showcase = MP_SDK.connect( iframe, // Obtained earlier 'bc2c9f62713a42acba1d0a00d5b8c81c', // Your API key '3.5' // SDK version you are using // Use the latest version you can for your app ) .then(function(mpSdk) { window.SDK = mpSdk; // Model.Event.MODEL_LOADED console.log("MATTERPORT SDK CONNECTED, YIPEEKAIEY"); //loadedShowcaseHandler(mpSdk); }) .catch(function(error) {}); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function showcaseLoader2() { try { console.log(iframe2); var showcase = MP_SDK.connect( iframe2, // Obtained earlier 'bc2c9f62713a42acba1d0a00d5b8c81c', // Your API key '3.5' // SDK version you are using // Use the latest version you can for your app ) .then(function(mpSdk2) { window.SDK2 = mpSdk2; // Model.Event.MODEL_LOADED console.log("2ND MATTERPORT SDK CONNECTED, YIPEEKAIEY"); //loadedShowcaseHandler(mpSdk); }) .catch(function(error) {}); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } var poll = setInterval(function () { if ((typeof window.SDK != "undefined" && typeof window.SDK2 == "undefined")||(typeof window.SDK == "undefined" && typeof window.SDK2 != "undefined") ){ $(".loadingMsg").html("SYNCHRONISING"); } if (typeof window.SDK != "undefined" && typeof window.SDK2 != "undefined") { $(".loading ").css("display", "none"); console.log("POLL COMPLETED"); clearInterval(poll); loadedShowcaseHandler(); } else { } }, 100); function countWindowMoving() { window.n = n + 1; } function resetWindowMoving() { window.n = 0; window.moving = 0; } function isElementInViewport (el) { var el = document.getElementsByClassName("img-comp-overlay"); var width = el[0].offsetWidth; // Special bonus for those using jQuery if (width > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function loadedShowcaseHandler() { window.focus(); mpSdk = window.SDK; mpSdk2 = window.SDK2; window.onkeydown =function(e) { //activeFrame = 2; e = e || window.event; var getKey = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode:e.charCode; switch (getKey) { case 37: if ($("#showcase_iframe22").hasClass("showing")){mpSdk2.Camera.rotate( -45, 0); console.log("F1");break;} else {mpSdk.Camera.rotate( -45, 0); console.log("F2");break; }; case 38: if ($("#showcase_iframe22").hasClass("showing")){mpSdk2.Camera.moveInDirection("FORWARD"); break;} else {mpSdk.Camera.moveInDirection("FORWARD"); break;}; case 39: if ($("#showcase_iframe22").hasClass("showing")){mpSdk2.Camera.rotate( 45, 0); break; } else {mpSdk.Camera.rotate( 45, 0); break; }; case 40: if ($("#showcase_iframe22").hasClass("showing")){mpSdk2.Camera.moveInDirection("BACK"); break; } else {mpSdk2.Camera.moveInDirection("BACK"); break;}; } }; if (tourtype == "matterport") { var poseCache; var intersectionCache; mpSdk.Camera.zoom.subscribe(function(zoom) { zoomCache = zoom.level; }); mpSdk.on(mpSdk.Camera.Event.MOVE, function(pose) { if (activeFrame == 1) { console.log("1MOVED"); poseCache = pose; const modetransition = mpSdk.Mode.TransitionType.FLY; var mode = pose.mode; var sweep = pose.sweep; console.log("SW1" + sweep); var rotation = pose.rotation; var position = pose.position; var zoomLevel = zoomCache; if (mode != "mode.transitioning" && mode != "mode.inside" && mode != "mode.outside") { if (window.moving == 1) { return; } else { //window.moving = 1; mpSdk2.Mode.moveTo(mode, { position: position, rotation: rotation, transition: modetransition, zoom }).then(function(mode, moving) {console.log("moving")}) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); //window.moving = 0; }).finally(function() { //window.moving = 0; }); } } if (mode == "mode.inside" || mode == "mode.outside") { if (window.moving == 1) { countWindowMoving(); if (window.n > 6) { resetWindowMoving(); } return; } else { resetWindowMoving(); if (zoomLevel > 0.91 && zoomLevel < 1.09) { window.moving = 1; mpSdk2.Sweep.moveTo(sweep, { rotation: rotation, transition: mpSdk.Sweep.Transition.FLY }).then(function(sweepId, moving) {}).catch(function(error) { window.moving = 0; console.log(error); }).finally(function() { window.moving = 0; }); } else { mpSdk2.Camera.setRotation(rotation, { speed: 200 }); mpSdk2.Camera.zoomTo(zoomLevel) } window.moving = 0; } } } }); mpSdk2.Camera.zoom.subscribe(function(zoom) { zoomCache = zoom.level; }); mpSdk2.on(mpSdk2.Camera.Event.MOVE, function(pose) { if (activeFrame == 2) { poseCache = pose; const modetransition = mpSdk.Mode.TransitionType.FLY; var mode = pose.mode; var sweep = pose.sweep; console.log("SW2" + sweep) var rotation = pose.rotation; var position = pose.position; var zoomLevel = zoomCache; if (mode != "mode.transitioning" && mode != "mode.inside" && mode != "mode.outside") { if (window.moving == 1) { return; } else { // window.moving = 1; mpSdk.Mode.moveTo(mode, { position: position, rotation: rotation, transition: modetransition, zoom }).then(function(mode, moving) {console.log("moving")}) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); // window.moving = 0; }).finally(function() { // window.moving = 0; }); } } if (mode == "mode.inside" || mode == "mode.outside") { if (window.moving == 1) { countWindowMoving(); if (window.n > 6) { resetWindowMoving(); } return; } else { resetWindowMoving(); if (zoomLevel > 0.91 && zoomLevel < 1.09) { window.moving = 1; mpSdk.Sweep.moveTo(sweep, { rotation: rotation, transition: mpSdk.Sweep.Transition.FLY }).then(function(sweepId, moving) {}).catch(function(error) { window.moving = 0; console.log(error); }).finally(function() { window.moving = 0; }); } else { mpSdk.Camera.setRotation(rotation, { speed: 200 }); mpSdk.Camera.zoomTo(zoomLevel) } // window.moving = 0; } } } }); } } })